Uses of Package
Packages that use org.jjazz.spteditor.spi
The graphical editor window of a song part.
Service provider for indvidual RhythmParameter editor components.
Classes in org.jjazz.spteditor.spi used by org.jjazz.spteditor.apiClassDescriptionA special RpEditorComponentFactory only for the default RhythmParameters.A RhythmParameter value editor component for RpEditors.
Classes in org.jjazz.spteditor.spi used by org.jjazz.spteditor.spiClassDescriptionA special RpEditorComponentFactory only for the default RhythmParameters.The types of RP editors supported by this factory.A RhythmParameter value editor component for RpEditors.A factory for RhythmParameter component editors (whatever the rhythm) to be used with a RpEditor in the SongPart editor.