Uses of Package
Packages that use org.jjazz.cl_editor.api
The chord leadsheet editor.
The graphical component for a single bar, which contains bar renderers.
The graphical component for a bar renderer (e.g. bar renderer for chord symbols, for section, for improvisation guideline, etc.)
Service provider to create BarRenderer instances of various types.
Manage the creation/destruction of editors for a new/closed song, plus related actions (eg duplicate song).
Classes in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api used by org.jjazz.cl_editor.apiClassDescriptionListener of events fired by CL_ContextActionSupport.A helper class to write CL_Editor context aware actions.A ChordLeadSheet editor.A listener for mouse events of interest.Top component for the ChordLeadSheet editor.Provide convenience methods to get information about a selection in a lookup.Singleton class to manage ChordLeadSheetItems and Bars for copy/paste operations.A class to represent a selected bar in the chordleadsheet editor.
Classes in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api used by org.jjazz.cl_editor.barbox.api
Classes in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api used by org.jjazz.cl_editor.barrenderer.api
Classes in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api used by org.jjazz.cl_editor.barrenderer.spi
Classes in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api used by org.jjazz.songeditormanager.api