Package org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.item
package org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.item
The models for chord leadsheet items.
ClassDescriptionA filter used to decide whether the alternate data of a CLI_ChordSymbol should be used.Used as the alternate content of an ExtChordSymbol.Items which belong to a ChordLeadSheet.An interface for items used only for position comparison purposes, when using the NavigableSet/SortedSet-based methods of ChordLeadSheet or ChordSequence.Music rendering info associated to a chord.Change the way music is rendered for a chord symbol.Represent a bar annotation text at a specific bar.A ChordLeadSheetItem which uses ExtChordSymbol objects as data.A dummy CLI_ChordSymbol class which can be used only for position comparison when using the NavigableSet/SortedSet-based methods of ChordLeadSheet or ChordSequence.A factory for ChordLeadSheetItems.Represent a section with a name (e.g.An extended chord symbol with additionnal features:A special "NC" chord symbol for No Chord.A position in a leadsheet.A special instance used as the "void" alternate chord symbol.